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2000, 2006 and 2021. Three trips, three stages of five lives. Jana, Luca, Roberto, Yoon Soo and Raquel are in their mid-20s / early 30s on their first two "Caminos", and past 40 on their third. So much will happen until then: Jana's
The film offers an intimate and fascinating insight into the pilgrim's journey, seeking to probe some of the timeless questions confronting humanity.
During the Christian reconquest of Spain, the Moorish take Pedro prisoner and his two brothers try to release him.
“Destino Santiago” é o primeiro programa que incorporou a `Slow TV´ en España. Nel, dous peregrinos moi especiais percorrerán o Camiño de Santiago diante das cámaras da CRTVG, que se pode seguir en directo pola web e en múltiples emisións na TVG e na Radio Galega. Na primeira edición, dous artistas musicais, Lucía Pérez e Tonhito de Poi, foron os protagonistas. Nesta segunda edición Susana Seivane e David Perdomo son os novos peregrinos que empezan o Camiño dende Vilafranca do Bierzo.
A Roman Catholic priest leads a band of ten young men from various backgrounds on a pilgrimage. They walk from the south of France along the less popular Northern Route of the "Camino" to Santiago de Compostela in Northern Spain, a s
To heal from her divorce, a woman walks a 500-miles on the Camino de Santiago. Along the way, she discusses forgiveness with fellow pilgrims. This vulnerable and emotional documentary takes a raw, honest look at the struggle to forgi
Based on the book "Ich bin dann mal weg" by Hape Kerkeling where the author describes his journey on the Way of St. James, a pilgrimage route, and the people he encounters there.
Año Santo Compostelano
Ein Weg, tausend Schicksale. Lebens- und Leidensgeschichten, Familien und Aussteiger, Hoffnungsvolle und Verzweifelte: Der «Camino de Santiago» lockt jedes Jahr unzählige Menschen auf eine Reise zu sich selbst. Einige suchen die Ents
Hospital Real é unha serie da TVG que transportará os espectadores cara a finais do século XVIII para reproducir con todo luxo de detalles como era naquela época a actividade do Hostal dos Reis Católicos A historia sitúase a finais do século das luces, cando o Camiño de Santiago era unha vía perigosa, había inestabilidade política e o Hostal dos Reis Católicos era o hospital de Compostela. Neste contexto coñécese a parella protagonista, que deberá facer fronte ás enormes barreiras sociais...
An escaped prison convict attempts to retrieve a loot hidden years ago in a lonely village. Sinister elders, strange disappearances, spirits, a peculiar priest and even the Archpriest of Santiago will cross their paths in a history o
For three years, the director followed a few pilgrim's journey on Saint Jame's way, the most famous European pilgrimage. There are no paths to Compostela alike. No matter their age, their social background, their religious beliefs, e
En estas imágenes de 1915, podemos ver como fue el Año Santo Jacobeo de 1915 en Santiago de Compostela. Es la película más antigua que se conserva de una celebración del año Xacobeo, y la segunda más ...
La Rutas del Gótico
Piedras que renacen
Alivio de caminantes
Peregrinación a Compostela
Visita Real a Santiago
Tipo de recurso
- Emissões TV (10)
- Filmes (22)
- Gravações vídeo (13)
Ano de publicação
Entre 2000 e 2025
- Entre 2000 e 2009 (18)
- Entre 2010 e 2019 (26)
- Entre 2020 e 2025 (1)