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Resultados 70 recursos
What is lacking spiritually, emotionally, and physically from the apparently secure and comfortable lives of modern North American women that compels them to voluntarily choose to suffer both the joys and anguish of walking hundreds
Blends the promotion of healthy lifestyles with a qualifying competition. Ten contestants cross the way to Santiago. "O gran camiño" ("The Great Way") is a new reality of the TVG where two teams of five persons each must cross the way from Roncesvalles to Santiago de Compostela. In addition they must undergo a smoking cessation therapy conducted by the University of Santiago de Compostela. Each week, both teams make the same route, but starting a half hour apart. The team that travels the...
Última atualização da base de dados: 13/08/23, 04:11 (UTC)
Tipo de recurso
- Audiovisuais (4)
- Livros (66)